(Completely unrelated side note: I was just sent this screen shot of me on webcam to one of my friends *slaps forehead* who does this? . . oh wait, I do! SUCH a muppet! I just thought it was pretty funny!)
- I'm so proud of one of my friends (Pete, I bang on about him, but hey ho, he really is one of the most important people to me at the moment) he's not your average success story, he didn't try hard at school, and to put it bluntly was a complete idiot. But, he's done a complete 180° and now he works for a charity and with children at schools running music workshops.
- Words can't describe how much I love this dude.
- All he does is listen to music, I was at his flat yesterday evening and I have no idea how he has not been evicted, his neighbours must hate him! He plays music SO loud!
Create a MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com
- These songs are his. (not what I'd associate with him mind.) . . . . .
- That's more like it!