Saturday, 7 July 2012

Food on Friday #2 Savoury Kale Cheesecake!

- I love brunch! who doesn't love brunch? when you can be really lazy, do things in your own time. It is the perfect saturday!

- I made this "cheesecake" - which is more or less a quiche, for a very special brunch!, it is my Granddad's 81'st birthday tomorrow so I decided to treat him to a yummy brunch.

 - Obviously there will be other things to eat, a selection of cheese and ham and salami, various breads, cinnamon rolls (coming next week!), croissants and (of course) cake! haha.

 - Anyway, whatever your saturday holds, I hope it is a good one, and I hope you all get your breakfasts' in bed!

savoury kale cheesecake Combine 8oz of Plain Flour with 4oz of butter- process in the food processor until they resemble bread crumbs 
with the processor still running add warm water (about 1 tbsp) until the pastry forms a clump and lumps around the machine (it will combine itself) (of course you can do this by hand, which is also dead easy, I just like to do it this way) roll out pastry on a floured surface, and line quiche lorraine dish 
chop up two handfull's of kale, 1 onion, 1 chilli, add 1tbsp of rosemary, 1tbsp of basil and 1tbsp of dried chilli flakes
 In a jug combine 8oz of soft cheese with 6 eggs, 2oz of grated sharp cheddar and 1 tbsp of milk
 layer the prepared ingredients into the pastry, and fill up the case with the egg mix. bake at 180 degreees c for 35 minutes 



  1. Wow our minds must be connected... I made a zucchini quiche yesterday, used basically an identical recipe for the dough, and our quiche dishes look exactly the same ;) Have a great Saturday !

    1. Haha that's brilliant! I think this dish was from ikea but we appear to have collected quite a few at the moment! And I have a bit of a penchant for ikea! We're even spending our Sunday there tomorrow and for once Pete is even as excited as I am! I have had a wicked Saturday so far thanks! Hope yours has treated you well.

  2. delicious food :) Hope you can check out my site: and JOIN. Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon. God Bless!


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