Monday 1 August 2011

3 :1 Homemade Raspberry Sorbet!

- I told you we were inundated with raspberries as is obvious here and here!

- For this *BrandSpankingNew* Raspberry recipe I present you with. . Lime and Raspberry Sorbet! (round of applause por favor)

raspberry sorbet 1raspberry sorbet 2

1. Add the juice of 2 limes to 1kg of frozen raspberries
2. slowly dissolve 2 cups of sugar in a litre and a half of water, then bring to the boil. Allow to cool
3. Cook the raspberries down.
4. Strain the raspberry juice from the pips and most of the flesh (don't throw these away! I'll show you what you can do with this tomorrow. fridge it!)
5. Add two tbsp of golden syrup.
6. whisk in the sugar and water mixture and freeze! (We bunged ours into the ice cream maker, but you can be all old-fashioned and what not by freezing it and taking it out and stirring it every hour until frozen)

- Easy peasy!

- Perfect for summer BBQ's, that much I promise you.

- Take it easy, and I hope everyone is ok, and not having to work 14 hour days like me at the moment! It's only  monday, and I can't wait for Friday allready!



  1. mm sorbet. yes please?! especially on an evening like this.
    thank you for your nice comment... and how on earth can you work at 5'30am to 8pm?! you crazy lady. what do you do??!

  2. On a night like this where it is so hot and clammy and I just wish it would rain?! heck yes.
    and, I'm not sure how I'm managing it at the moment (thinking of the money!). . I work for the police :)


Oh, heeyyyy!
go on . . leave a comment. . you know you want to! (and I want you to really!)